by H Neville | Feb 24, 2023 | Anxiety, Be present
Here is a new topic gaining attention in research and mental health today: Ecological Grief. Today I want to talk about the multitude of emotions that come up when we think of climate change and what we can do to support ourselves as we grapple with a warming world...
by PACMH Team | Apr 28, 2021 | Be present, Expectations
In a time where there is little sense of control, we hear it a lot: “Just let it go.” It is often not easy to just let go. Not being able to let go “enough” can lead to excessive stress, anxiety, burnout, chronic fatigue, and other health complications. This article...
by PACMH Team | Jan 4, 2021 | Be present, Self-Care
I used to think of suggestions such as “sit and breathe… just meditate for 5 minutes” as short of impactful to say the least. Eventually I stumbled upon the idea of being present. The concept sounded serene and poetic—something that my brain could latch onto and think...