36 Questions to Fall in Love

36 Questions to Fall in Love

36 Questions To Fall in Love – For The First Time or Again How do you fall in love with someone? I always assumed that love is complicated and depending on a lot of different internal and external factors. In a 1997 study, American psychologists Arthur and...
Friendships Explained

Friendships Explained

What is friendship? Why do we connect with someone in a split second, while feeling like we do not want to be close with another person right away? How many friends do we need to be happy? Humans are social beings: we need other humans to feel fulfilled. People who...
Attachment Style as a Tool for Relational Growth

Attachment Style as a Tool for Relational Growth

Have you ever wondered why you may be reacting or connecting to a person differently than a friend or sibling? Our minds automatically process interpersonal relationships through attachment patterns. As infants, we unconsciously learn how to modify our behavior in...
Friendship and the Seattle Freeze

Friendship and the Seattle Freeze

My flight was on time, perfect. I stepped out of the airport with excitement. It was my first day in Seattle. As an international student, I was excited for whatever: new place, new people, and a new culture. I couldn’t be more thrilled to verify if American culture...