Conflict As A Catalyst For Growth

Conflict As A Catalyst For Growth

Conflict rarely feels good. Most of us avoid it at all costs. Others of us may decide to confront conflict head-on but leave damage in our wake. Regardless, when conflict occurs, disruptive and unsettling thoughts and emotions swirl in our minds and hearts. Our...
The Mind-Body Connection: Stress

The Mind-Body Connection: Stress

Skyrocketing prices, Covid-19 effects, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and potential retaliation against the U.S., and shortages of goods due to supply chain problems were among the top stressors revealed by polls conducted earlier this year, with stress “reaching...
Self-Esteem and Why It Matters

Self-Esteem and Why It Matters

Self-esteem is, in short, how the mind evaluates itself. There is no metric that can objectively determine a person’s self-esteem — the concept is inherently subjective. So how can we think about it? Well, as with many things in counseling and psychology, there...