How to Identify Spiritual Abuse

How to Identify Spiritual Abuse

Many years ago, my husband and I met with a pastor from our former church in hopes of finding help in addressing some relational harm that was occurring between us and another pastor.  As the meeting proceeded, it became apparent that so much more was happening...
Self-Care with our Inner Child

Self-Care with our Inner Child

I want to increase quality of life; this is something I want for myself and something I want to work with others to do for themselves. But it is hard sometimes. It’s often difficult because we have patterns of existing in the world that sometimes keep us from what we...
Body Connection

Body Connection

Body Connection The word embodiment grabs attention as of lately. It’s certainly a buzzword but it points to something that every person is connected to: the idea that we all have a body that we live in and experience everything through and with. But how many of us...