Learning to Let Go

Learning to Let Go

In a time where there is little sense of control, we hear it a lot: “Just let it go.” It is often not easy to just let go. Not being able to let go “enough” can lead to excessive stress, anxiety, burnout, chronic fatigue, and other health complications. This article...
The Hope of Grief

The Hope of Grief

A Pacific Mental Health counselor shares her experience with grief. Several years ago, a high school student in my town committed suicide.  Even though she was a stranger to me, I was overwhelmed with grief, and could not shake the knowledge that she died so...
Self-Care with our Inner Child

Self-Care with our Inner Child

I want to increase quality of life; this is something I want for myself and something I want to work with others to do for themselves. But it is hard sometimes. It’s often difficult because we have patterns of existing in the world that sometimes keep us from what we...
The Language of Trauma

The Language of Trauma

The Language of Trauma As humans, we have an innate desire to make sense of the world.  We are meaning makers who are compelled to communicate our lives to those we encounter.  Language, stories, poetry, art, music, dance, and many other creative mediums...
How to Grieve

How to Grieve

How to Grieve ”What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” Helen Keller Grief springs forth from numerous sources. It evokes a range of emotions from debilitating sadness, shock, anger, regret, and...