by PACMH Team | Mar 15, 2021 | Self-Care
I want to increase quality of life; this is something I want for myself and something I want to work with others to do for themselves. But it is hard sometimes. It’s often difficult because we have patterns of existing in the world that sometimes keep us from what we...
by PACMH Team | Feb 22, 2021 | Self-Care
Body Connection The word embodiment grabs attention as of lately. It’s certainly a buzzword but it points to something that every person is connected to: the idea that we all have a body that we live in and experience everything through and with. But how many of us...
by PACMH Team | Feb 22, 2021 | Self-Care
There are days when I feel as though the tank is empty. Not just my tank, but also the tanks of all my family members, friends, colleagues, even the bank teller’s tank… As we approach the year mark of this new existence we’ve been handed, the notion is setting in that...
by PACMH Team | Feb 4, 2021 | Self-Care
To stay healthy, both mentally, physically, and emotionally, it’s important to exercise regularly. Three times a week, an hour of moderate to intense exercising already benefits your brain. Exercise can help you handle challenges in life better, which is exactly what...
by PACMH Team | Jan 4, 2021 | Self-Care
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many unknowns in our world which has resulted in a collective sense of heightened stress, anxiety, and fear. For many of us, the pandemic has placed an unprecedented amount of demand and responsibility from work, school,...
by PACMH Team | Jan 4, 2021 | Be present, Self-Care
I used to think of suggestions such as “sit and breathe… just meditate for 5 minutes” as short of impactful to say the least. Eventually I stumbled upon the idea of being present. The concept sounded serene and poetic—something that my brain could latch onto and think...